Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My sweet, sweet boys

I could not have had a sweeter Valentine's Day. I felt awful and was completely convinced I was going into labor at any moment but it was still a super sweet day. Harris was beyond excited to go to his party at school and treasured every Valentine he received. He looked at each one carefully, telling me who it was from and when he wanted to eat the candy, then put it back like a priceless artifact. Cute. When he got up from his nap that sweet boy gave me two pieces of his loot and told me one was for me, one for the baby. Are you kidding me?!?!?!

I wanted to remember the sweetness so of course I grabbed a pic. He's holding the box he set aside for "me and the baby."

And this is random, but since when did Valentine's day become such an event at preschool? I saw teachers getting flowers, boxes of chocolate, and who knows what else. And almost every valentine in Harris' box was fancy. We just got a box at Target of Spiderman valentine's and each one came with a pencil. I thought those were pretty fancy. No, pretty much everyone else gave out some little treat bag or Pinterest craft. Is that the new norm???

Anyway, back to Harris.
He started putting on a show for the camera. For a shy little boy, he really is a ham.

And this was a few days ago, but when I got Walker up from his nap he only wanted to cuddle. He laid his head on my shoulder and told me, "Hold me tight." Sweet thing. He's such a rowdy, energetic little boy that it makes those times even more precious.

Tom took Walker to run a couple of errands and Harris stayed home with me. We were working our 14th puzzle and out of the blue he said, "I like hanging out with you." Really, there couldn't be any better present than hearing him tell me that. What a sweetie. I love that he noticed he liked it and was kind enough to say it, too. Bless his heart.

I was feeling rough, so the treats Tom bought had to be shared with Harris instead of me. I enjoyed watching them have fun together more than I possibly could have enjoyed actually eating it. Well, maybe not.

They were having some fruit and dipping it in melted chocolate. And we didn't leave Walker out on purpose, he's just so picky he wouldn't try chocolate. Just as well, really. But Tom and Harris were having fun.

Tom gave me a card Harris picked out for me.Walker claimed it instantly.

It plays a song and Harris got one LAST valentine's day and they still have it. It's pretty tattered but it is still beloved.

FYI, all my nesting is completely over. I'm pretty much laying around and talking about how uncomfortable I am. Thankfully, Walker took over the last thing I needed to do. The bibs and burp cloths were in a bin ready to be put into the dresser. I heard him saying, "Good job Walker!" and "This looks so nice." Here's what he was doing.
He had put away every single thing into drawers.

He was so proud of himself! That's the only picture that wasn't blurry because he was moving so quickly to get it done. Thanks, buddy.

I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas and just got around to setting it up for Harris to play with. He loves it much more than I expected and some of the apps are awesome. I have heard him spelling words and sounding things out the past few days. Walker is content to let Harris play but he still wants to see what's going on. He is SUCH the little brother. Poor guy.

It's weird to me to hand an electronic device over to a four year old but he's responsible with it and is learning, so whatever.

Last thing. We went to Fiesta Farms this morning as one last outing before the baby comes. Though they liked it, they were each more interested in the huge sandbox than all the animals.  There was a peacock showing off for a good hour right by us and they each just gave it a quick glance and went back to playing with the run-down toys.
Is that not gorgeous?

But this is what they wanted to do.

Harris the hoarder stockpiled all the toys he could find, while Walker was taking them out as fast as he could. It's so funny watching their personalities come out at random times. They are going to give each other fits as they get older.

I did convince them to play with bubbles.

And Harris fed the rabbits while Walker.......didn't.

Harris rode the horse. I was surprised that Walker didn't want to but he was adamant that it wasn't going to happen. They both liked the goats once I convinced them to go in. I probably should have just left that alone. There was random pooping going on all over the place and I get enough of that at home, thanks.

Think I'm all caught up now!  Props to those of you that read alllll the way through.

But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine"
Isaiah 43:1

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