Friday, March 9, 2012

We're Still Here

Oh my goodness. Life with three kids 4 and under is BUSY. There are several things I should be doing instead of blogging but I wanted to write down some random things before I forget this stage. I know we'll settle into a routine but we're definitely not there yet.

Today is Tom's last day home....<sob>. It has been wonderful to have him home. We have had people bringing us meals twice a week and that has just allowed us to stay in our little bubble for awhile longer. The reality of life will come back soon enough. We have SO enjoyed him being home and spending time as a family. He usually takes the older two and gets them breakfast, while I sleep in a little (since he can't help during the night with feeding) and then we have the morning to hang out. The entire house has been  napping during naptime and that's what's kept us going, I think. I am so, so thankful Harris still naps. Or at least plays in his room and allows us to nap. With people helping out with dinner (TREMENDOUS BLESSING, thank you!!) and both of us available to entertain the older two, this has been a sweet family time. It's a little sad to see it end and know real responsibilities start Monday morning but at the same time it will be good to get into a routine and figure out how things are going to work with three.

Tom left me just with Walker and Hayes the other day and that was sort of a disaster, and that was only 2/3 of the brood!! I had the bright idea to let Walker paint in the bathtub, while Hayes napped and I straightened up our room/cleaned the bathroom. Sweet little Walker pooped in the tub, so while I was trying to clean up that mess, Hayes woke up and was crying. Walker was still dripping wet and needed a bath in a different bathtub, so I moved the circus to the boys' bathroom, threw Walker in the tub, tried to get Hayes calmed down. Meanwhile, there was still a mess to deal with in the original bath, Walker was upset because I had to take his toy away to disinfect it, and Hayes had worked himself up to the point he was bright red, he was so angry. Nice. Those things just happen with toddlers and babies......I had sort of forgotten. There will obviously be more movie watching than normal in our immediate future.

One thing we've started doing that really helps is lettintg them play in the garage. That's easy because I don't have to take Hayes anywhere and they can still run around and get some energy out. Walker plays a game where he lays down and pretends to be asleep, snoring. He keeps playing that in the garage and gets FILTHY, laying on the floor, but whatever. Yet another thing I wouldn't have ever thought I'd allow. And they've also had more juice boxes than normal because they will sit down and stay there for however long it takes to suck it down.

Harris, out of nowhere, has started giving the "double thumbs up with the tongue," as he calls it.

I could easily have 100 pics of this pose, but I'm usually holding a baby now and can't operate the camera one handed. It's his little gang sign and he flashes this all the time. I don't know where he came up with it but it's hilarious! I'll be so sad when he doesn't want to do it anymore. A couple of times Walker's done it too, just to be like his big bro.

This is the only pic I have of the three of them! Hahahahaha.
Harris is nervous to hold Hayes. He did it once and then said, "Maybe I'll do it again at Easter, because that's a looong ways away." They both like to be around Hayes and want to interact with him, but that poor baby needs a helmet to survive their affection. They're constantly running into the bouncer, bumping the swing, or grabbing his little feet.

Here's Walker going in for a kiss.

Hayes is a trooper. We drag that bouncer all over the house because little Hayes can't really be out of our sight with his big brothers on the loose. At least he'll never, ever be bored.

Harris got a little lion for him at the hospital gift shop when he came to visit. He is constantly dancing that lion right up in Hayes' face. We finally hid the lion for awhile because we were afraid Hayes would be in therapy as an adult, with nightmares about lions.

Here's a pic of the little one.

And one other thing, the DAY we brought Hayes home from the hospital, Walker started climbing out of his crib. Nooooooo!! That's the one thing I knew I could count on, is for Walker to stay in his crib till we got him out. I had visions of naptime going away and Walker coming in our room at 5 am every morning. As it turns out, it's been fine. He climbs out occasionally, but always naps and usually just calls for us. Whew.

All in all, we're doing really well. Harris and Walker love their brother and are more or less adjusting to the new normal. There have been a few growing pains but I think part of it has been being off schedule and not knowing what to expect, too.  Hayes sleeps pretty well (ANSWERED PRAYER!!), so between that and naptime, Tom and I are relatively rested, considering we have a newborn. I'm very thankful for our "village" that checks on us often and has given lots of moral support. And food. We have three boys, bringing food will ALWAYS bless us :)

Can't wait for everyone to meet little Hayes! He is precious! I'm just so,so happy that he's here and am awestruck that we've been blessed with three beautiful and healthy boys.

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Phil 1:27

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