Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, 1995

Texas is home now and I love it here. But I'll always consider myself an Okie. Today I wanted to highlight just one reason why.

Sixteen years ago, the Murrah building was bombed. At the time, it was the worst act of terrorism on American soil. Everyone remembers where they were when they first heard about it. I was in 10th grade and didn't fully understand what had happened until I got home and was able to watch the news. It was terrifying and tragic. But it was also an opportunity for our state to shine. When the bomb went off, people ran TO the building, rather than fleeing. People were asked to donate blood, then asked to stay home because the response was overwhelming. The need for workboots was broadcast and workers would pull up, take off their shoes, and drive away. There's now something called the "Oklahoma dollar" among rescue teams. A worker from out of state said he was leaving with every dollar he brought, because he hadn't been allowed to pay for anything. In its entirety, the response to the disaster was so incredible, it's now known as the Oklahoma standard. The bar was raised by the selfless acts of kindness and service by regular people who had empathy and compassion.

So, if anyone asks, I may live in Texas but I will always be from Oklahoma.

*The photo above was found here and is from the memorial.

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

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